70-411certificationMicrosoftpowershellScriptingServer 2012R2WindowsWSUS

70-411 WSUS and PowerShell

#Install WSUS
Install-WindowsFeature UpdateServices -IncludeManagementTools

#Initial configuration
New-Item c:WSUScontent -ItemType Directory 
& 'C:Program FilesUpdate ServicesToolsWsusUtil.exe' postinstall contentdir=c:WSUScontent 

#Review synchronization settings
$myWsus = Get-WsusServer 

#Initial synchronization 
$mySubs = $myWsus.GetSubscription() 

#Sync status

#Define the product categories to include
$myProducts = Get-WsusProduct | Where-Object { $_.Product.Title -in ( 'Windows 8.1', 'Windows Server 2012 R2')} 
$myProducts | Set-WsusProduct
#Define the update classifications to include
$myClass = Get-WsusClassification | Where-Object { $_.Classification.Title -in ('Security Updates', 'Critical Updates', 'Definition Updates')} 
$myClass | Set-WsusClassification

#Create the computer group 

#Setup automatic synchronization
$mysubs = $myWsus.GetSubscription() 
$mysubs.SynchronizeAutomatically = $true 
$mysubs.NumberOfSynchronizationsPerDay = 1 

#Create the auto-approval rule
$myWsus = Get-WsusServer
$myRule = $myWsus.CreateInstallApprovalRule("Desktops")
#Define a deadline
#$myDeadline = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AutomaticUpdateApprovalDeadline
#$myDeadline.DayOffset = 3
#$myDeadline.MinutesAfterMidnight = 180
#$myRule.Deadline = $myDeadline

#Add update classifications to the rule
$myClass = $myRule.GetUpdateClassifications()
$myClass.Add(($myWsus.GetUpdateClassifications() | Where-Object Title -eq 'Critical Updates'))
$myClass.Add(($myWsus.GetUpdateClassifications() | Where-Object Title -eq 'Security Updates'))

#Assign the rule to a computer group
$myGroups = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ComputerTargetGroupCollection
$myGroups.Add(($myWsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | Where-Object Name -eq "Desktops"))

#Enable and save the rule
$myRule.Enabled = $true

#Initiate synchronization
$mySubs = $myWsus.GetSubscription()

One thought on “70-411 WSUS and PowerShell

  • Hi,
    Thanks for the commands, these are working and i am trying to add a specific product to rule via powershell command. could you help me with this

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